Thursday, September 10, 2009

Strobit Wireless Camera Trigger

Stephen Eaton has been working on a wireless, low voltage Arduino for camera trigger applications: Strobit. After a call to geekdom in 9/2007, the project has gotten to the point that boards have been manufactured and are being tested.

The project page at Gcode has lots of information, there are photo sets on Flickr-- board development progress and some photos taken using prototypes-- and an Arduino Forum thread with a few questions answered. I continue to be impressed by the level of sophistication people have been putting into their Arduino-compatible boards.


  1. Hello there!
    I am interested in this project. Let me know please when boards are availanble.

  2. Me too-- would love one of those boards but I haven't seen anything new about the project in a while...:(

  3. yes things have been very slow on the project front as I've been very busy at work and home, so no time on project :(

    Currently I'm in the process of learning KiCad and moving the project over to fully open source EDA platform.

